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    03-29 02:03
    2012. 11. 7. 15:36 Anti China/Guest's

    Writer: korea(pjw990517)

    To ethnic Korean and others.

     Nowadays many horrible crimes are happening in Korea since 2008, which was the year when Beijing Olympic has taken place. As you know, many chinese are commiting crime against Koreans, however, caused by corruption of politicians, they are forgiving these crimes without the permission of subject(koreans). The government, the president, the politicians, the public entertainers, the prosecution are cooperating to lie to the subjects.

     I'd like to tell you the reason why the Chinese people has come to Korea since 2008. The Chinese people has had habbit of cannibalism. They has kidnapped others to kill them and get ther flesh, and organs. However, because of the Beijing Olympic, the government of China strengthened the security. The chinese gangs(who are related with China's politicians-who love Cannibalism) were searching the method to get victims without others disturb. They came up with the idea. They decided to move to Korea. First, they tried to get attention of Korea's politicians, and journalists. In addition, they helpen the public entertainers in Korea to fake their academic ability. The public entertainers named "Tablo" is the example of that. Finally, news and journalists(reporters) made Koreans to be adapted to Chinese. They said the subjects have to live together with "poor" chinese, because Korea and China has same ancestor.

    These are the way how the Chinese conquered and invaded Korea. Actually the fact is more than them. However, we should not give up. We need your help, and we will never forget your help. There is one bloger named "ASURA". He is the leader of Koreans who don't want to donate our flesh and organs..

    Please visit his blog. He is a Korean, however there are some writtings in English.


    Thank you for reading this short writing.

    posted by 아수라.