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    03-31 23:40
    2012. 11. 4. 00:25 Anti China/Master's

    Greetings, Mr.Kilgour. I am a Korean citizen who goes by the nickname 'Asura' on the internet.

    I am sending you this letter because I have something to tell you regarding the incidents you have been through in Korea.

    I should start off by telling you that I work with the same motive as yours but there IS a difference.


    Our similarity is that you are trying to tell everyone China is illegaly extracting organs by kidnapping people.


    But the differnce is that I am out to tell everyone that the extraction of organs is happening in Korea do to the Chinese.


    China's illegal acts do not occur only in China; it also happens within Korea and the Korean government is an accompolice. Do you understand why your acts have been ignored? The news in Korea tell me that you, Mr.Kilgour, think we are not publicizing the corrupt nature of the Chinese government simply because China has a large influence over us. But the situation is much MUCH more dire than that.


    People usually ask the following when I tell them this.


    1.Is that really possible? What is the Korean press doing if the Korean government is conspiring with the Chinese government?

    2.What are the citizens doing if the press doesen't do the job?


    It is easy to throw questions but takes a bit to explain and difficult to answer. To cut to the conclusion, Korea is being led by the government to be annexed as a part of China.

    Do the people know and have consented to this idea? NEVER. They have no idea what is happening and certainly do not agree to such a monstrous idea. It is an independent and sole act by the government and it is adopting something called "Multicultural Policy" to do this job in secret; and citizens have a lot of problems with this policy.

    These is a huge problem. Since the press and government are all part of this, and the "Multilcultural Policy" in Korea is falsely leading people into believing we should "protect" the foreigners because we should have tolerance for the different. The only place that these opressed ill feelings are expressed is at my blog(http://blog.naver.com/godemn) and my blog is purposely being pulled back by the search engines in Korea and have lower influence than it should. The fact that people believe the press rather than my blog should our positions collide is another problem and it is very difficult to let the truth be known.

    Anyways, the Korean press is already under Chinese control, and the polititans have little to wait before complete domination, so they are not simply reluctunt to to let China's wrongdoings be known, but are actually turning a blind eye when their own people are being killed and their organs are being extracted. It may not all be Chinese who are doing this; the Korean medical community may be a part of this as well.

    The situation is much more grave than what you have suspected. China is known for its extraction of organs, but it is comparably unknown for its practice of cannabalism.
    It undertakes illegal abortion businesses and uses the fetus for consumption. The corpse after they extract the organs they utilize as meat. Human meat is being sold in the form of capsules and beads to Chinese people living in Korea. This is a widely known fact. Korea is witnessing a huge increase in disappearance numbers, and the people(especially in foreigner/Chinese towns) are shivering in fear, and there is no media to tell us this.
    China has been plotting to devour Korea bit by bit for some years now under careful and well-thought out planning and we are now unable to defeat our foe by our own hands.
    Politics and mass media have already been infilrated by China, and there are only the people to stand up. The problem is that the internet, which is the only place families of victims and other oppositors of China can meet, is jam packed with Korean language-educated Chinese who are making this opposition impossible to gather. This is why extractions are not being made public in Korea.

    Thus I ask of you, Mr.Kilgour. Please hire Korean translators to translate my blog's posts to let them widely known internationally. I do not care about taking copyright payments. All the colums are free and you are welcome to change, refer, revise them as you please.
    I have written the columns with a bit of force and energy (a.k.a. cuss words and straightfoward language) to add some fight into peaceful Koreans so if that does not fit your purposes please change the language as you need. Koreans act when the press tell them to act, and if the Korean press don't have the will to do this, the only way is to let foreign presses know this and let Koreans realize how corrupt the Korean media is. We are in desperate need for your part in this movement.

    Spreading the truth about Korea using your routes will help gather an enormous amount of agreement and support, I believe, and Korea will not have power or will to help you with your work unless you solve its problem first. Korean public authority is currently covering up cannabalistic crimes. There is no other way. I beseech you, Mr. Kilgour. Please spread my reports worldwide. There are too many of them for me to ask visitors to translations. I offer links to key postings with short summaries on what they are. And I promise you to give you all the help possible to me.


    Title:The Wú Yuánchūn incident is obviously a part of the human meat market in Korea
    Summary : On April of 2012, a Chinese cuts up a Korean woman into 360 pieces.
    Everyone realizes this was done for human flesh, but Korea tries to hide the accomplices behind it and tries to distort it as a sexual-assult incident.


    Title: revealing 13 cases about China's consumption of human meat
    Summary :The Wú Yuánchūn incident is not a matter of individual wrongdoing but a country's; and the cannibalism culture in China differs hugely from other countrys'

    Title:Wú Yuánchūn's accompolices
    Summary :The Wú Yuánchūn incident definately has accompolices but the Korean government is trying to conceal that fact. They are covering up cannibalism in Korea!


    Title:The Wú Yuánchūn incident and the final conclusion
    Summary :I had thought that the Wú Yuánchūn incident was because of human meat. But the key point was on organ extraction for this crime as well.
    And the government is desperately covering up the horrors.


    Title:John Titor's prophecy and organ extraction problems in China
    Summary :China's organ extractions are strangely being covered up in Korea, and this article throws the suspection that we might be being secretly kidnapped for organs


    Title:Child kidnapping in China and the Concealment of Truth
    Summary :We not only hide that China kidnaps children but also let them do the job in Korea.

    Title:Continued "suicide" judgement on killings
    Summary : Article that shows Korea morphs killings to suicide incidents


    Title: Continued concealments and the changed press reports regarding an exorcist
    Summary : The news always changes deaths and disappearences to their tastes, and they tried to coneal that Korea now has a corpse market which I noticed and posted.


    Title: six reasons why people who say organ extraction is impossible are wrong
    Summary :Koreans are afraid of organ extraction and kidnapping, but on-line, there are trained Chinese assuring that organ extraction is impossible.
    I wrote this to oppose those ideas.


    Title: Argument against people assuring organ extraction is impossible
    Summary :Since there were different opposing ideas to the post above, I wrote another one.


    Title:The conspired organ extractions of the Chinese and Korean governments
    Summary :Organ extraction is not the solo play of the Chinese government but the Korean government has a hand in it.


    Title:The article that disbelievers of organ extraction in Korea must read
    Summary : Same as title.


    Title: 4 reasons I give to declare the government guilty for the disappearence of people
    Summary : Same as title.


    I chose the columns from the posts I have written mainly about illegal organ extractions, since I thought you, Mr.Kilgour, would be most interested in those. But organ extraction is only a part of the problems and other problems - hacking, online spying, taking control of government by seducing figures with woman spices - exist and the evilness of China is impossible to grasp without taking a close look. I am certain that most of my posts are valuable information to read as they are close hand reports - like a foreign reporter's - and I believe that you will find them interesting and helpful. I hope that we can work together on this issue and wish you can help us as well.

    해석판은 more 클릭

    posted by 아수라.