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    03-29 07:49
    2012. 11. 11. 12:29 Anti China/Master's

    It may be hard to accept the fact that organ extraction is happening commonly in Korea. There are mainly three reasons why.

    1. These horrific events should happen in countries with abnormal systems like China and not in a democracy such as Korea

    2. There should be overflowing reports in Korea's media if this were to be true, but there are none, making it hard to believe it actually happens

    3. Even if the press were in cahoots with the government, civil society movements will surely rise up against them... right?

    These assumptions allow people to disregard organ extraction as a mere rumor. But these assumptions are definately and grossly wrong. The following is a refutation by the numbering above.

    1. Korea follows a democratic order but its people's capability to utilize it is lacking. When calamity strikes another person, Koreans feel some messed up pleasure that it is not they who are experiencing the pain rather than working together to help. So applying the common knowledge of the average democratic country is not right.

    2. The Korean media is not Korean. It is a media completely dominated by China. This is a speculation, but it may be that too many impure relationships with female spies acted as a weakness as it could lead to sex scandals. From 2010, the Korean media cannot even utter a word of complaint about China. The media is already infiltrated, and there is no reason for them to tattle-tale the dirty relationship between the two governments. It actually hinders organ extraction stories from spreading.

    3. Civil rights movements have long been conquered by China. Korea is divided hugely by two ideologies - capitalism and communism - into North and South Korea. This conflict made the South to become radically capitalsist, and this intensification resulted in unconditional ostracization of communism. But as you know, rights movements have a socialistic idea to it. So the majority of social movements cannot earn support from the government due to its nature. But any country needs civic society, and China supplied these social, civil, human rights movements with the funding they desperately needed, and thus, gained power over them. The goal is similar to China's purpose in investing in Africa, to gain control. The public figure you tried to reach in Korea, Mr.Kilgore, is like the king of civic groups. Mr.Park Won Soon calls for human rights and turns a blind eye toward organ extractions, as do the civic groups. This is the main reason why these crimes can remain hidden to the public eye. Social movements are mainly done by civic groups and the majority of Koreans think "If I don't do it, some civic group will," and thus, anti-China social movements are difficult to find in Korea. The rich in Korea do have the resources to act but are not mature as citizens to actually stand up, and a voluntary movement by an individual will not gather the financial support from the public due to the community which does not care about working together. So it may be hard to believe, but civic groups are either directly or indirectly under China's influence. Korea is being treated as a farm for organs due to China's long-term, meticulously thought-out plan.

    I am not sure that you understood me, since every country has different methods of expression and word usage, but I do hope you have a hunch of what I am getting at. So I will move on to seven evidences proving that organ extractions do exist in Korea, under the circumstances explained above.

    Evidence #1. - Attepted Organ Extraction at Keimyung University

    Organ extraction cases have something in common; they leave little evidence. Fortunately in Korea, there was a special incident that differed from this norm, the Keimyung University abduction and organ extraction case. A student made it barely alive after a stuggle for freedom and tells of the experience as below.

    Short explanation of content - A university student was looking for a room to rent and followed a woman into a van. He some coffee the woman gave him and fell asleep, to wake up in the operating room of an unfamiliar hospital. There was no one around at the moment and he luckily unties his feet and hands and gains his freedom. A student kidnapped with him is classified as "Missing" afterwards, and the students at Keimyung recieved the news when the secretary of the school is informed of this fact.

    The student who was kidnapped clearly notes this case as attepted organ extraction, and that is definately the case. You might wonder; can a simple post like that online prove this incident was real? A news article proves the case below, as do the comments of several Keimyung students.

    Short explanation of content - Article with same information as above post

    This fact is not widely spread in Korean society because the article above was not from mainstream media and the article was deleted shortly after it was published online. Also, Korean-using Chinese in the Korean net has hindered the rise of public opinion. Lastly, Koreans are surprisingly indifferent to the danger that is lurking near them, and they feel relieved that they were not the target of this crime and are surprisingly leinient towards the matter. This incident however, is the most clear and reliable case on which the cover-ups the government and the media fully couldn't capture. If you know how hard it is to get a lead on organ extractions, you will know how valuable this piece of information is.

    Evidence #2. - The Mysterious Disappearance of Myung-chul Kim's Corpse

    The Keimyung Univ. incident is a sure case of organ extraction but is not widely known, while the disappearance of the corpse of Myung-chul Kim is widely known because it was broadcasted on TV. It is another sure-fire organ extraction case to those who realize that organ extractions exist in Korea, but it is only known to the public as a "mysterious corpse disappearance" to the public due to the Korean government's efforts to hide the existance of extractions.

    The disappearance story of the corpse of Kim is as follows.

    1.Myung-chul was a very healthy young man, who do not smoke cigarettes nor drink a lot.
    2.His fiance introduced a loan shark to him.
    3.He loaned money from this private moneylender, text-messaged his will and vanished.
    4.It would have passed as a simple suicide/murder case, but there was a witness who saw Kim being piggybacked into the house of the loan shark, unconcious.
    5.He went in but never came out.
    6.Tap water usage at the loan shark's house increased over forty tons that month.
    7.Myung-chul's blood was traced at the moneylender's house, and he explained that they were from a fight with Myung-chul and not a murder.

    No need to explain in detail; he used 40 tons of water, Kim went in but did not come out. It is a case of organ removal followed by disposal of the corpse. The Korean court ruled, strangely, that no corpse means there is no sure evidence of murder.


    Water usage in March 52 Tons
    Water usage in April 40 Tons
    Water usage in May 44 Tons
    Water usage in June 89 Tons - The month of disappearance
    Water usage in July 50 Tons
    Water usage in August 45 Tons

    Short explanation of content-Tap water usage increased, Kim is missing, loan shark admits to illegal confinement and attack but murder cannot be proven; thus seven year sentence is given

    Korean public institutions and the media deny the presence of organ removal in Korea, but ordinary citizens do believe that somewhere, it does happen. That is why stories similar to this go around and people agree to its content.

    Short explanation of content- A gangster who found a new life recalls memory of organ removal jobs and human traffiking; the organs and flesh are sold and the rest of the body is melted with chemical agents and poured into the sewers.

    Explanation - The covering on top of a Korean sewerage system. It is, as its purpose demands, stainless steel, but it is sometimes found heavily corroded as the picture above. The reason is no other than direct chemical disposal, and some believe that molten corpses were poured in the sewage system.

    The Myung-chul Kim incident is one of the best cases that clearly prove the organ removal business in Korea along with the Keimyung Univ. incident.

    Evidence #3. - The Skyrocketing Increase in the Number of "Missing" People

    Organ extraction leaves no evidence of crime.But the number of disappearences is impossible to hide. Not all disappearances, obviously, are organ extraction jobs, but the number of missing people is bound to increase of it gets in the picture. Since no one can capture sure proof of it, it is bound to be classified as missing individuals. Korea cannot explain why people are suddenly disappearing so much, since they are hiding the fact that organ removal exists in Korea.

    Translation- Yearly number of missing underage people who were never found.

    2006 - 13 people
    2007 - 15 people
    2008 - 16 people
    2009 - 18 people
    2010 - 50 people
    2011 - 70 people
    2012 - 80 as of March and 10 people in August only

    Disappearances skyrocket starting from 2010. In 2009, the Multicultural Policy is utilized to allow Chinese-Koreans (they speak Korean but are Chinese, both in ideology and self-identification as Chinese) to come into Korea. The figures increase accordingly. That's not all. The "missing" number of adult females is outrageously high.

    Translation- Yearly number of women who went missing.
    2006 - 360 women
    2007 - 436 women
    2008 - 594 women
    2009 - 994 women
    2010 - 1217 women
    2011 - 2372 women

    Grown-up females have it much tougher than children. The numbers also steeply rise in 2009, when these ethnic Koreans from China start being generously accepted.

    The missing cases of seniors is a huge problem as well, increasing eleven-fold in four years.

    Translation - The number of children and senior citizens who are never found increases elevenfold in 4 years

    Translation - The U.S. State Department decides to retain S. Korea's status as Tier One(safe) nation regarding human traffiking as a political consideration

    Translation- 500 Korean tourists went missing in China during 4 years, but the government is not publicizing this fact and is encouraging travel to China, and hiding disapperances. The media shrinks the number to an average of forty disappearances per year in a futile attempt to fool the public.

    The untimely and unreasonable increase in the number of missing people can act as sure proof of the existance of organ removal in Korea.

    Evidence #4. - The Switching of Dead Bodies to Cover Up Incidents as Suicide or Homocide

    Since the government does not know why disappearance numbers are increasing (or they're pretending they have no idea), they try to transform missing people into people who commited suicide. There is a problem with this trick. When people go missing, there is nothing left of them, but in suicides, a dead body is crucial. To create something out of nothing, the government uses a different corpse as a substitute. The police and government is using the corpses of different people to simply reduce the number of disappearing people and are not coming up with ways to stop the disappearaces themselves; this is even worse than the evils of China. The most basic example starts with the death of entertainer Jae-hwan Ann.

    Short explanation of content - Entertainer Jae-hwan Ann died on September 1st and his body was found on September 8th, and it was so decayed that the blood was already dry. It is highly possible that a loan shark kidnapped and extracted his organs and got rid of the corpse; since he is a celebrity, another corpse was needed to take his place to not raise suspicion on organ removals.

    Short explanation of content - In Jeju Island, Korea, a woman went missing and is found a week after, dead. Only her face shows the skeleton, and the right hand was cut off. It is ridiculous that only the face showed bone, and it can be concluded a substitute corpse was used to explain the case as a homocide rather than a disappearance.

    Short explanation of content - In Tongyeong, Korea a elementary school girl goes missing and is found a corpse six days later. Other sources of data say that the corpse was found three days after death and that public power hid this fact and announced the discovery of the corpse late on purpose. The corpse was too rotten to identify exactly who it was. This is another case of disappearance distorted into homocide. For your information, it is not even sure that the criminals who are turned in actually do their time in prison. Korea is seriously corrupt. But few people are onto this fact.

    The motivation behind this is simple. The reducement of disappearance numbers and purposefully not discovering a corpse with its organs ripped off. If such a corpse is discovered, the cheap drama of replacing corpses is set into action. We can ensure this to be true from the case explained below.

    Explanation - A corpse with a pierced cut on the side and nailed to a cross is concluded to be a suicide without any outside help by the police, media and the National Forensic Service.

    Explanation - The image of the cross-hanged corpse, and a victim of China's organ removal. Similar place is wounded. It can be inferred that the "suicide" is a made-up story to cover up organ extraction.

    This is only the tip of the iceberg. People with considerable amounts of money stashed away in borrowed accounts are being continually given the "suicide" title and being assasinated. Korea is not a civilized country anymore.

    Evidence #5. - Human Meat Markets are Active in Korea

    Organ extraction is a matter of course in Korea. This is because even human meat is being circulated within its border. Of course, the consumers of human meat is not Korean but the Chinese who were allowed into Korea. Since the government needs to cover up China's crimes, it spreads the word that its own people are the ones who are trading human meat; Koreans don't even go near it.

    Organ extraction is one of the worst crimes possible, but it does have a tiny bit of virtue in it that it helps sick people live longer. But there is no goodess to trading human meat. There are plenty of other meat to consume, and choosing to comsume human meat in such a situation is much more evil, right? That selling of human meat does not offer huge profits adds to the strangeness of consuming and producing it. Organs bring in the money. Human meat? Not so much.

    So, is it possible that only human meat and not human organs are being traded? Organs, which are a bit less evil and much more profitable? Of course not. If human meat is being traded, organ removal is definately occuring.

    Explanation - KBS broadcasted that the fetuses aborted from China is being made into powder and being turned into the capsulized products in Korea.

    The Korean government spreads the word that China creates these nasty prodcucts and that Koreans are comsuming it. This cannot be farther from the truth. They are produced in China and the influx of Chinese people is showing us that the Chinese supply and demand these abominable capsules. Also, since the capsules carry hepatitis B, they are not made from aborted fetuses as the Korean media says, but meat from a different source.

    Short explanation of content - Human meat capsules contain hoards of viruses and even hepatitis B.

    Hepatitis B does not infect an infant before birth. The fact that this was found means either that the capsules are made from adults or the baby was infected after birth, Either way, it means that the capsules are not made from aborted children as the Korean media said.

    What's the difference? There is a difference since the sense of respect toward life is totally destroyed if the capsules are made from adults. Extracting organs from a death-row convict and killing a person in order to gain the organs is completely different. The latter is much more evil. Abortion has people who support it and people who don't, based on morals. However, killing to satisfy cannibalistic needs is complete evil. The reason Korea's media named the origin as aborted fetuses is because it has worked with China as its accompolice for a long time and it tried to lessen the blame that it deserves.

    Explanation - The Korean medic is expressing her view that that the baby from which the human meat capsules are made was not from abortion or stillbirth but by killing a living baby by looking at a picture.

    The human meat capsules were told to be made from aborted babies, but human meat beads are also easily available in Korea.

    Short explanation of content - Human meat beads made of adult corpses are circulating.

    If human meat is being traffiked, human organs are certainly being trafficked. Actually, the increase in dead bodys the organ extractors need to dispose of or utilize results in the selling of human meat. Human meat is little money compared to the huge profits organs can bring. As a comparison, when restarants prosper, business to utilize the kitchen refuse advances. The activity of human meat markets proves that the liveliness of organ extraction is huge and the criminals behind it are trying to earn a few more dollars off of it.

    Evidence #6. - Logical Reference and the Media's Attitude Toward the Situation

    These truths exist as clear as can be, but the media's attitude is unchanging. All stories about this matter they regard as baseless rumors. There are countless examples but some main ones are provided below.

    Short explanation of content - Toursists to China are in a taxi when it stops suddenly. The taxi driver wants the husband to push the taxi from behind. When the husband hops down, the taxi speeds away, and his wife is found several days later in the sewers as a corpse, with missing organs. Not a widely known story.

    Short explanation of content - The article states there are rumors with no proof spreading in Korea, and it gives an example of a story. In the story, a couple's organs are extracted when they regain conciousness after being kidnapped on their honeymoon in China.

    Short explanation of content - A female student was almost kidnapped via van and the notice is telling other residents to be careful.

    Short explanation of content - An announcement posted in an apartment building is being disregarded groundlessly as a groundless rumor by the media.

    Organ extractions are happening by the government the media is like a dependable defence who guards this ugly truth from spreading. With this strong protection, I believe the government abets the disapperance of its people much more effectively and reaps the profit of organ traffiking.

    Evidence #7. - The Clearly Suspicious Attitude of the Korean Government

    Does the government not realize all this is happening? Of course they know. There is evidence dating back to 2007 that proves the government does indeed realize disappearaces are related to organ removals. Thus, the status quo means the government is not laying a finger on this matter or that they are in cahoots with the culprit. The evidence from 2007 is as belows: it shows that the government and high ranking officials knew.

    Short explanation of content - Certain areas have frequent disappearances of women and the under-aged, and members of congress and police see it as related to China's organ traffiking group. Written in 2007.

    The Korean government, since then, has not come up with mesures to protect its people, but rather invited the Korean Chinese, who are the culprit, into the country. Furthermore, it regarded disappearance of adults as runaways from home to cover up they are missing people. It cannot exuse itself from the crime of betraying its citizens. It knew that missing people were related with organ extractions since at least 2007 and it knows that the number of missing individuals is increasing, and still, it acts in the following way.

    Short explanation of content-Adults "cannot" be missing in Korea. They are treated as running away from home and an investigation is rarely made.

    Short explanation of content-Korea does not admit adults can disappear and there are no stats regarding such information.

    The government, of course, was hugely uncomfortable with a meeting exposing China's organ extractions, since they were in on the organ extraction of its own people, with the media disregarding word about this as simple made-up stories. Mr.Kilgore, who came all the way from Canada to inform Korea of China's misdeeds, was not poorly treated because of China's large influence but because Korea is in on this crime and as a burglar cannot meet eyes with a police officer, Korea flinched away from him.

    Short explanation of content - Doctor Kilgore and international lawyer Matas visits Korea but all meeting appointments are cancelled. Casts doubt at the high-ranking officials. This article was treated insignificantly by the media.

    These seven cases prove that organ removal does happen in Korea, is being covered up by the government and media, and is sacrificing innocent citizens by adding to the count of missing people.

    The practicers of Falun-Gong are probably at the biggest risk of organ removals. The movement in the global society against this inhumane treatment ,however, will have affected the organ removal business of China's. Thus they carried the business abroad to Korea to make up for the loss and act secretly from worldwide monitoring.

    The point at which disappearances increased suddenly in Korea and China's treatment of the Falun-Gong was politicized is roughly the same. And Korea's democratic covering fools us into thinking that events like this will cause huge disruption in it, but it doesn't.

    Ordinary citizens, the public, knows that there are some deaths caused by organ removal killings. But they do not realize how serious the matter is. Why? Because the media doesn't shove it in their faces. The organ extraction undergone in China is news among the international society; only Korea does not act to notify its people of this matter.

    This is a very desperate situation which calls for immediate action, but the speed at which it is done is far from fast. Koreans rely blindly on the press for information. A robot progammed to keep walking will try to walk with its foot in a booby-trap hole; Koreans are trained to rely on the news for information, and they do not realize they are struggling blindly with their foot in the trap - the media itself.

    The public do have an idea that something is happening, how hard the media may try to hide this. And a media from outside can gather huge attention and elicit people to actually stand up for themselves. They will realize that they were the ones who were being fooled the most. A ballon keeps air in; sticking a pin into it can cause a huge POP. There exists no pin as of now, and I request that you, Mr.Kilgore, act as that pin. Tell the Koreans what they need to know.

    With you as the pin, a huge pop will occur, the force will act as an anti-force against organ removal. To stop the organ removal from the practicers of Falun Gong and the disappearing Koreans, spreading word of organ extraction happening in Korea is the key and single way. 

    해석판은 more 클릭

    posted by 아수라.